DTF Iron On Transfer Instructions
Using a Heat Press (Recommended)

Please read all instructions before applying
- Preheat heat press to 310°F and set to medium pressure
- Position your transfer on the garment (You should be able to see your image through the film)
- Place a piece of parchment paper over the transfer and garment to protect from direct heat. (Teflon, uncoated paper or a thin layer of fabric is also acceptable)
- Press the garment for 15 seconds
- Let the transfer cool. The transfer is intended for "Cold Peel" (not warm to the touch before you attempt to peel the film off)
- Slowly peel the film from the garment. As you peel the transfer if the image does not come off easily, repeat steps 4 and 5.
- IMPORTANT To permanently set the transfer, place paper back on top of the garment (with transfer) and press for 5-10 more seconds. This step is important for the feel and durability of the transfer.
Using a Home Iron

Please read all instructions before applying
- Preheat your iron to a setting that corresponds with the material you are using.
- Position your transfer on the garment (You should be able to see your image through the film)
- Place a piece of parchment paper over the transfer and garment to protect from direct heat. (If you do not have parchment paper, you can use a thin layer of fabric.)
- Apply hard pressure while moving the hot iron in small circles on the transfer paper for 30 seconds. (Note: Larger transfers will require 30 seconds of ironing to each part of the transfer)
- Let the transfer cool. The transfer is intended for "Cold Peel" (not warm to the touch before you attempt to peel the film off)
- Slowly peel the film from the garment. As you peel the transfer if the image does not come off easily, repeat steps 4 and 5.
- IMPORTANT To permanently set the transfer, place paper back on top of the garment (with transfer) and iron for 15-20 more seconds. This step is important for the feel and durability of the transfer.