This item is cheap. The design print is very cute but that's about it. Part of the hem was coming undone when I received it and there were numerous threads throughout the hem that needed to be clipped off. Being a seamstress, I was able to fix the hem with fabric glue. All of the nap on the blanket goes against the grain as far as the way the design is printed on it. I was given a 50% discount on my purchase price since I was very dissatisfied with the item. I will not order from this company again. The blanket certainly was not worth $45.
We are sorry to hear that you were not happy with the quality of the blanket. Regarding the hem coming undone, we could have redone the item for you, but because we were not able to guarantee that the design would "go with the grain" of the fleece fabric on the redo, it was decided that it would be best to offer you a discount on your item.